
Tag Archives: Microsoft Word



I came across another of the newer writing platforms, this one is called “Seekyt”. At first glance, it appears very much like Zujava. I am not yet familiar with who runs it , but (yes, I MUST boast) even though there is a 3 article hold similar to the Zujava platform, my very first article was published without waiting for the total of 3. Now, as much as I’d like to boast that the reason is because I am such a slammin’ writer…there is a very good possibility that the owners know me, or my name from other platforms.

Seekyt also has a Page Rank of 3. Since it is a newer platform, there are tons of good URL’s to be had. They are more strict than say, Squidoo, on content and the articles must be laid out in a certain way. There is also a link limit (which should not matter unless one is link-stuffing). It is worth the investigation for those who are seriously considering article marketing for their small business.

My only gripe with Seekyt (and it was really my fault) was that I lost some killer content. I had duplicated the window to get the link for my first article, and in the process something glitches. I lost every word of that content! Now, as a freelancer, I normally write everything out on a Word Document before I submit it. When I am writing my own content, however, I tend not to do that. I was in the moment. I was feeling the muse…I just went with it. Lesson to be learned here: Always have a backup copy of whatever you are submitting.

Seekyt looks like it will go places, and with it, of course, should be your own great content. So, what are you waiting for? Go! Sign up at Seekyt and get those killer articles out there!